Pelosi Doesn’t Like it When White Men without Jobs “Get in a Mood”

December 14, 2022


To be honest, we’re kinda sick and tired of writing about outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She is leaving us forever thank goodness.

But a previous comment of hers was just recently made public that caught our eye (and made us sick to our stomach).

Back in 2010 when the Republicans swept the Obama midterm election, the Speaker called President Obama to console and comfort him. She said, “the white male thing is just – that’s a dominant thing. When they don’t have a job they get in a mood.”

Can you imagine the outcry if a high ranking politician on the right made a comment even close to this about any other racial group? Also, why did she choose this specific excuse/rationale to share with President Obama? Hmmmmmmm? I guess we’ll never know.

Pelosi is leaving government so we’ll leave it at that – but she leaves behind a terrible legacy of stirring up racism that conservatives will face for decades to come.

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