Let's Flip a Maryland Senate Seat from Blue to RED

Help Us Reignite the Reagan Revolution

We win elections not because we promote celebrity candidates who berate the Democrats, but because we’re so clearly right on policy.

With your help, the Blue to Red PAC will serve as the primary “fueling station” for serious minded GOP candidates. It begins, of course, with making sure the campaigns we support are firmly rooted in Reagan conservatism but we also expect candidates we support to treat voters in a dignified and mature way. These goals are not mutually exclusive.

Step up and help us. Too many voters simply give up, saying ”it’s too much work” or “our neighbors might get upset with us.” We know better and we know that conservative voices are tired of being silenced. Your support of the Blue to Red PAC changes the political landscape right here at home! Don’t wait until it’s too late to make a real difference. Join us today!

Leftist Democrats have a strong-arm control of the White House and the Senate and if we don’t retake it in 2024, our country will face a crisis of historic magnitude.

We’re not exaggerating. Just think about the “curriculum” being taught in our high schools and colleges right now. Instead of being provided with a quality education, our children are facing systematic attacks to shame and cancel the conservatives of tomorrow. The liberals are not going to stop until conservatives stand up for ourselves. That’s what the Blue to Red PAC is all about. Join us today by making a contribution and joining our patriotic conservative movement.

By clicking “Contribute” and submitting this form, I am verifying that:

  • I am a United States citizen or an individual admitted with permanent resident status.
  • This contribution is made from the funds of the donor identified above, and not those of another.
  • This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a federally chartered corporation or national bank.
  • This contribution is not made from the treasurer of an entity or person who is a federal contractor.
  • This contribution is made on a credit or debit card of the donor listed above for which the donor has legal obligation to pay, and is not made on the card of another.

Contributions are not refundable and are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 per election cycle.

Paid for by Blue to Red PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Use of the name and likeness of any candidate, officeholder, or other individual is for the purpose of this PAC’s educational communication only and in no way indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by that person of any kind.

100% of net proceeds will be spent on helping conservatives win House seats in the 2022 midterm elections.