We are proud Ronald Reagan conservatives. We support candidates who believe in limited government, low taxes, a strong national defense, state rights, and a system of law enforcement that keeps our communities, neighborhoods, and families safe. We believe that education should be rooted in STEM and the humanities and our schools should never by hijacked to indoctrinate younger generations with any political ideology.
We also reject lifetime politicians like Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden who believe that America owes the world an apology for being exceptional. Their “cancel culture” program is aimed at stifling any opposition and thoroughly undermines freedom of speech. Indeed, Pelosi and her AOC socialist “squad” call themselves “progressive,” but they are anything but forward-thinking. They are LEFTIST LIBERALS who would have us return to Jimmy Carter’s economic stagflation and who conveniently forget about Bill Clinton’s misogyny-gone-wild administration.
These are the folks who are making today’s federal policy on behalf of hardworking American taxpaying families. They are working to transform American society in ways that will devastate future generations, leaving behind an America that will be anything but the “shining city on a hill” that President Reagan described. That needs to change — and the 2022 midterms gives us that opportunity. It is, perhaps, our last opportunity before Biden and Schumer are able to fundamentally reshape our great nation.
President Reagan once said “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” The Blue to Red PAC, through our financial support for conservative causes, is committed to the fight for American freedom. With millions of principled and patriotic conservatives at our side, we can’t lose!