In their Mind, the Law Doesn’t Apply to Them: Democratic Members of Congress Secretly Fatten their Wallets

September 7, 2021

Comedian Steve Martin used to jokingly share with his audience the secret to “making a million dollars and never pay taxes.”  First, “you make a million dollars,” he said, “then, when the tax collector comes around you simply say, ‘I forgot.'”

For many Democrats in Congress this advice is any anything but “wild and crazy.”  Consider, for example, Congresswoman Katherine Clark (D-MA) – a politican who many Washington experts consider to be a leading successor to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).  Clark has recently been accused of failing to disclose what looks to be a massive insider trading violation.  Here’s what we know so far: Clark and her husband failed to disclose 19 personal stock investments  in Alphabet (a Google entity), Best Buy, First Solar, BlackRock, GlaxoSmithKline (big PhRMA), Iron Mountain, and Xylem.  These investments netted the Democratic powerhouse couple something just south of $285,000.  Not a bad day at the office for the leftist Congresswoman.

Sadly, it doesn’t end there.  Predictably, far left Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), joined Congresswoman Clark at the trough.  Wasserman Schultz, the former Chair of the Democratic National Committee and huge ally of former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, purchased nearly $60,000 in her child’s name in Westell Technologies, a telecommunications firm – yet “forgot” to publicly disclose the transaction, which is required by law, for over 20 years.

The disregard for the law and smugness towards the taxpayers they represent is staggering. If Democrats don’t like the fact that the Blue to Red PAC will be talking about these issues all the way up to next year’s midterms, well, “excuuuse me.”

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